My latest photographs

Sea Shores

Sea Shores

The Algarve has a beautiful coastline, all of it from Vila Real...

Algarvian Chimney

Algarvian Chimney

The Algarve chimney is a much-loved architectural feature and representative of houses...



"Postcards” I intend to replicate, not rigorously, the kind of images that...

Doors & Windows

Doors & Windows

I think that we all get caught now and again as we...

Na Colecção "Black & White" encontrará as fotos do Algarve do mais fino detalhes a Preto e Branco, uma selecção de fotos escolhidas cuidadosamente.

Black & White

I love photographing in Black & White, because you often get to...

Torre do relogio de Albufeira, situado na parte da cidade velha de Albufeira

Streets & Towns

In this collection of “Steets & Towns” I intend to convey the...

The Sun

The Sun

There is so much to say about the sun and to be...

The Moon

The Moon

The Moon is one of the subjects I most enjoy photographing, it...

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My Story

From Navy hobbyist to Algarve artist, photography has shaped my journey. Lockdowns honed my skills, and a borrowed camera ignited my passion. Even amidst amputation, the joy of photography persists.

I create images to evoke emotions, shattering conventions for true authenticity. Photography isn't about capturing a single moment, it's freezing the dance of time itself.

Ready to delve deeper into my story?

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